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Afif, Muhammad. 2023. “Moderate Islamic Education Thought Perspective KH.
MA. Sahal Mahfudz”, Thesis, Postgraduate Masters Program in Islamic Religious
Education at Kiai Abdullah Faqih Suci Manyar Gresik University. Supervisor : Dr.
Saeful Anam, M.Pd.I
Keywords: Thought, Education, Moderate Islam, KH. MA. Sahal Mahfudz.
Education has a very important role in maintaining the quality of a nation's
cadres, not only has the potential to improve the quality of one's life but also must
be responsible for the life behavior or character of each learner, with the hope that
Kyai Sahal's concept of moderate Islamic education can be a solution and can
implemented in the world of education as a way to ward off religious radicalism.
This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of literature review,
collecting data using the documentation method, while the data analysis technique
uses content analysis and historical analysis. the researcher examines and concludes
the works of Kyai Sahal and then draws a thread or midpoint into a concept and
idea of moderate Islamic education.
The results of the study show that Islamic religious education according to
Kyai Sahal is a process of interaction between educators and students in an
environment that leads to the formation of Islamic character of students who are
able to drive Islamic attitudes and behavior. Kyai Sahal with his social Fiqh ideas
was finally able to produce thoughts that were advanced, dynamic, solutive and had
a social dimension. At least there are two important concepts that he offers, namely
sholih and akrom, which will be nine points plus one. The methods that can be used
in implementing moderate Islamic education include: 1. Development of insight, 2.
Regulation of human resources, 3. Awareness of pluralism, 4. Building Ukhuwah.
UNKF6000072 | KK 297.77 Afi p | RAK-C | Tersedia |
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No. Panggil |
KK 297.77 Afi p
Penerbit | PASCA-TARBIYAH : ., 2023 |
Deskripsi Fisik |
21 cm ; 30 cm
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