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The thesis entitled "Inculcation of Moderate Islamic Values in Character
Education at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Qur'ani Al Bahjah (Mambaul Falah Islamic
Boarding School) Lorejo Bakung Blitar" was written by Muhammad Faaiz
Sugiono with Dr. Saeful Anam, M.Pd.I
Keywords: Implementation of Moderate Islamic Values, Character Education
The emergence of various sects within Islam has had a significant impact
on the dynamics within the religion. One of the emerging trends is the presence
of extremist Islam. This extremist view has paved the way for an exclusive,
isolated and intolerant point of view towards the current state of affairs. In
Indonesia, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah is a basic educational institution that serves as a
forum for proselytizing the ummah and spreading Islam from an early age. As
an Islamic educational institution that is based on Ahlusunnah Wal Jamaah,
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah must defend itself from various radical, liberal and takfiri
schools of thought that are emerging rapidly and attacking the integrity of the
nation, sometimes through systematic infiltration into basic education.
The focus of this study is to provide an overview and analysis of the
incorporation of moderate Islamic values into character education at Madrasah
Ibtidaiyah Qur'ani Al Bahjah (Pesantren Mambaul Falah) Lorejo Bakung Blitar.
The study will be centered on two main areas: 1) Integration of moderate
Islamic values into character education, and 2) The impact of moderate Islamic
values on student attitudes.
This study is a qualitative field research that aims to explore the
integration of moderate Islamic values in character education. Thus, the
research process will produce descriptive data in written and oral forms,
collected from various sources considered knowledgeable, including
stakeholders and teachers. An interactive data analysis model, according to
Miles and Hubberman, will be used, including data collection, data reduction,
data presentation and conclusion drawing. Data collection techniques include
in-depth interviews, observation and documentation, while data analysis uses
data condensation, data presentation and verification. To ensure data validity,
triangulation, peer discussion, and research extension will be used.
The findings of this investigation show that in MI Qur'ani Albahjah Blitar, the
embedding of Moderate Islamic Values into Character Education is carried out
through various procedures sourced from the institution's vision of Building a
Noble Society guided by the Qur'an and the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad,
with the following objectives: (a) Prioritizing the values of the Qur'an and the
sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW based on the Ahlussunnah wal jama'ah
An Nahdliyah manhaj. (b) Developing students who have memorized the Qur'an
and will become Ulama' and successors to the change in the glory of civilization.
(c) Cultivating noble morals in relation to teachers and parents. (d) Making
proactive use of technology and information media to socialize Islamic
propaganda. Furthermore, the attitude of students at MI Qur'ani Albahjah Blitar is
formed from processes that already exist in Moderate Islamic Values in Islam,
such as (a) Tawassuth, (b) Tawazzun, (c) Tahaddhur, (d) Shura, (e) Tasammuh,
(f) I'tidal, (g) Islah, (h) Musawah.
UNKF6000066 | KK 297.77 Sug p | RAK-C | Tersedia |
Informasi Detil
Judul Seri |
No. Panggil |
KK 297.77 Sug p
Penerbit | PASCA-TARBIYAH : ., 2023 |
Deskripsi Fisik |
21 cm ; 30 cm
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